Punjab Congress president Sunil Jakhar on Saturday said the party will hold rallies in all Assembly constituencies of the state on 7 June against the Narendra Modi government’s failure to check rising petroleum prices and inflation.
In a Press statement on Saturday, Jakhar, member of Parliament from Gurdaspur, said every section of society, including middle and lower middle class, farmers, traders and laborers are worried due to the rising inflation due to the wrong policies of the Modi government.
The people were shocked earlier because of demonetisation, Goods and Services Tax and now diesel petrol prices are disturbing the life of common man, he said.
The Congress leader said the difference between the Congress government under the leadership of Manmohan Singh from 2004 to 2014 and the BJP government led by Narendra Modi since 2014 would be explained to countrymen so that people could understand the truth of ‘achhe din’.
Jakhar said in 2012 when crude oil prices in the international market were $ 104.09 per barrel, the Manmohan Singh government was providing diesel at Rs 40.91 per litre and petrol at Rs 73.18 per litre, and now when crude oil price in the international market has been slashed to only $ 67.50 per barrel, the Modi government is providing diesel at Rs 69.07 and petrol at Rs 83.05 per litre.